Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Worries of motherhood

Well we have had quite a little adventure over the past few weeks. A few weeks ago Isaac got RSV or bronchiolitis (sp?). Cousin Dylan had it, Max had it...lots of babies had it. It was just inevitable that Isaac was going to get it. But it happened a few weeks ago. On a Sunday morning when my sister, Leah called me and told me that she took Dylan to the dr that morning b/c he was coughing and running fever. And he actually ended up seeing Isaac's dr...Dr. Readinger. And Leah explained everything to him and that Dylan had been around Isaac the day before. And Isaac had just seen Dr. Readinger earlier that week. When Leah told me I wasn't too worried about it b/c I knew Isaac's immune system was strong, I mean I had a stomach virus throwing up and he didn't catch that. But I was wrong. It was that Tuesday after that, that I noticed he started to cough. It scared me at first but then I thought well he isn't running a fever and he doesn't have a runny nose or anything. Well we were supposed to go to my dad's house that night for dinner and Leah, Shane and Dylan were going to meet us there as well. Well Isaac's cough really started to bother me so it was about 5:30p.m. and I decided to call the dr and see if there is anything I could give him for the cough. And I talked to the nurse and she told me I needed to go to their night clinic. So we had to take him to the dr. at 7:30 p.m. that night. He saw Dr. Halpenny and he told me that it sounded like the beginning of a cold. So that was a relief for me and Jake. Well than that next Saturday I was getting Isaac dressed for the day and I noticed he was breathing kind of funny. He was as happy as could be but it sounded to me like he was wheezing. So I called his dr's office...again! And they told me that I needed to take him to the emergency room at Cooks. The worse words I could hear. So I called Jacob and he came home and we took him to the E.R. Waited FOREVER!!!!! Turned out that he had bronchiolitis and they gave him an inhaler. I called Dr. Readinger's office that next Monday and they wanted me to go ahead and bring him in. So I took him in on Tuesday and Dr. Readinger said he definitley had some bronchial congestion. And that I needed to continue the inhaler and keep him in for about 4 days. Ugh! Again words that I did not want to hear. The weirdest thing is he never ran a fever...well he ran a temperature of 99.4 for like 3 days. And his dr told me that was a fever...so I guess it is I don't know. But it is good to say that he is doing very good today. It has been about 3 weeks since all of that has happened. He is still coughing a little bit, his dr said that cough could stay around for about 6 weeks. But his breathing is much better, thank goodness.

Well not much more is going on with me around here. Just taking care of my precious baby boy and loving every minute of it. I have posted some pics of him below so feel free to take a peek. Don't forget to leave comments if you would like! Have a great day!

Yea I forgot to rotate the pic...but he's cute anyway

Sweet smile!

I just love those chubby cheeks and double chin

Sweet baby boy!

Me and my mommy...she is the best!...ha!

awwww.... poor baby!

Here is the boo boo lip again...he is so good at that

Isaac in his exersaucer...

A little wobbly

Such a sleepy little boy

Isaac in his crib getting ready to go night night


There is a little smile

Hey what are you looking at?

Here comes the boo-boo lip!

Hogging the camera!

Hmmmm....that blanket tastes good!

I am such a big boy in my Bumbo chair

He looks cute even when he is crying!


Lauren said...

So glad your little man is doing better :)

Leah said...

Isaac looks so big and grown in those pictures!!! Oh and of course he looks cute!! I love my nephew!