Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Almost There...starting ANOTHER week...pregnant!

Well we went to the doctor again today and he said that I am dilated 1cm and that I am 70% effaced. Which is good news because I have progressed since last week. But I was hoping to be more progressed than that. But Dr. Ryan said he was very happy with my progress. He told me not to pack bags yet, but we could be expecting a baby within a week or so. Yay!!! But he also said that he has been wrong in the past and women have proven him wrong when he tells them that and they go into labor before he expected them too. I am just so sick and tired of being pregnant and I am ready to meet Isaac! So now it is just a waiting game to see just how stubborn my son is. Maybe he won't take after his daddy in that aspect. So I will write again after my next appointment which is next Tuesday at 2:30pm if I make it til then...cross your fingers!

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