Tuesday, November 4, 2008

39 weeks of pregnancy...shouldn't this be over by now!

Well we went to the doctor today...well actually we went to the doctor yesterday too b/c I thought my water was breaking. But of course it was not...ugh! But I went for my routine appointment today. Thinking for sure I would have progressed from last weeks appointment. Because I had been having contractions and well because I am just tired of being pregnant. But Dr. Ryan did not have any "really" good news for us. Because I have not progressed AT ALL from last week. I am still dilated at a 1 and 70% effaced...will this ever be over???? I feel like I will be pregnant FOREVER. But he did say that he would not be surprised if I went into labor by the weekend. So we are saying our prayers and keeping our fingers crossed that something happens in the next few days. Because mainly we are ready to meet our precious baby boy and I am just sick and tired of being pregnant. And Jacob is sick of tired of hearing me say I am sick of tired of being pregnant...hehe! So it wasn't a completely depressing appointment but me and Jacob were pretty upset we were hoping for some better news but I guess sooner or later Mr. Isaac will be here. But he is just thinking later rather than sooner...dang it! My next appointment is next Wednesday if I don't have the baby by than, Dr. Ryan is going to do another sonogram to check the position of the baby and the weight. But hopefully he will grace us with his presence this week. I will keep you posted...

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