Sunday, December 7, 2008

I love being a mom!

Daddy being silly
Crazy hair

Isaac and his great grandma, Mamaw!
Thanksgiving 2008

Gobble til you Wobble, Isaac's first Thanksgiving

Sleeping baby

My poor baby!

This would be Isaac Mark throwing a fit!

Isn't he sweet?

All dressed up for my first Sunday at church

He still hasn't gotten a handle on focusing his eyes yet. Ha!

Well Isaac is now a month old! He is such a big boy. Well he thinks he is a big boy but I have news for him. It is hard to believe he is already a month old. It feels just like yesterday we were driving to the hospital and I was in labor. I know what people mean when they say to enjoy b/c time flies by so fast and it does.
We just got done with Thanksgiving and we knew it would be a crazy time well because we always have so many places to go but this year we had the baby so we weren't sure how it would go. And it actually wasn't as crazy as I thought it would be. We went to my mom's house and Jacob's dad's house on Thanksgiving Day. And then we went to my aunt's house for my dad's side of the family on Friday the day after Thanksgiving. So it wasn't to bad.
Me and my sister went shopping on the day after Thanksgiving. We got up at like 4 am and went to Wal-Mart, Target and Kohl's. Yes I know we are INSANE! But it was actually kind of fun. But this one dude rammed me in the back with his cart. Some people are just crazy and take this shopping thing way out of hand. But me and Leah (my sister) had fun making fun of how stupid some people looked.
Well we had to take the baby to the dr and we found out he has reflux well the dr was treating him for reflux. But come to find out he may not even have it. His dr thinks he may be having an allergic reaction to the lactose in his formula. So he switched his formula to something that is gentle on his tummy. He has only been taking it now for a couple of days but I can already see a difference.
Well I guess that is it for now, as you can probably see I added some photos above so you can see how our little guy has grown the past month. Thanks!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Well we did it!! I finally had my baby boy! Isaac Mark Hunka was born on November 6, 2008 @ 6:08 p.m. He weighed 7 lbs 5 ozs and he was 21.5 inches long.
It all started at around 5 am on November 6 2008 when my water broke. I couldn't believe it was actually happening. I was nervous, anxious and excited all rolled together. So we drove to the hospital at around 5:15 am and called all immediate family. Well when we got to the hospital I was still only dilated to a 1 and 70% effaced. But I was having some contractions that I couldn't really feel. So they started me on the "pit drip". And then the contractions really started coming. But they were still irregular but they went from like 5 min apart to 1 min apart. And I couldn't take it anymore. So at around 1:30pm or so I got an epidural. I was so nervous about getting an epidural but it didn't hurt at all. And after that I was good. But then I got sick and started throwing up. Which caused me to get a fever, I was running a fever of about 101. So after about 12 hours of labor the doctor came in and checked me again and I was only dilated to a 4 but I was fully effaced. So she decided that it was time for Isaac to come out. And we decided to do a C-section. By this point I didn't care how they got him out of me I was just ready for him to be here. So at 6:08pm Mr. Isaac Hunka was born and our lives would NEVER be the same.
However, Isaac had to be put in NICU because he was born with a fever because I had been running a fever. When he was born he was a fever of 103. But it went down to 98 so he was okay but they still had to pump antibiotics into him for 48 hours and keep an eye on him. Because his blood work came back for possible infection. But after 48 hours he was released to be with his mommy and daddy. It was very hard to not have my baby with me the first days of his life, but I knew that is where he needed to be. And I knew the nurses were taking good care of him. He was the only patient in the NICU so he was getting very spoiled.
On Sunday November 9, 2008 we got to bring Isaac home with us and were so happy. I never thought I could love someone so much like I love my baby boy, I am very blessed.

Below I have put some pictures of Isaac...
I know this picture is sideways but it is one my favs...this is Isaac's first time in his new car seat!
Isaac with his Grammy,Papaw, and cousin Dylan

Isaac with his mommy!

Isaac with his daddy!

My sweet baby boy!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

39 weeks of pregnancy...shouldn't this be over by now!

Well we went to the doctor today...well actually we went to the doctor yesterday too b/c I thought my water was breaking. But of course it was not...ugh! But I went for my routine appointment today. Thinking for sure I would have progressed from last weeks appointment. Because I had been having contractions and well because I am just tired of being pregnant. But Dr. Ryan did not have any "really" good news for us. Because I have not progressed AT ALL from last week. I am still dilated at a 1 and 70% effaced...will this ever be over???? I feel like I will be pregnant FOREVER. But he did say that he would not be surprised if I went into labor by the weekend. So we are saying our prayers and keeping our fingers crossed that something happens in the next few days. Because mainly we are ready to meet our precious baby boy and I am just sick and tired of being pregnant. And Jacob is sick of tired of hearing me say I am sick of tired of being pregnant...hehe! So it wasn't a completely depressing appointment but me and Jacob were pretty upset we were hoping for some better news but I guess sooner or later Mr. Isaac will be here. But he is just thinking later rather than sooner...dang it! My next appointment is next Wednesday if I don't have the baby by than, Dr. Ryan is going to do another sonogram to check the position of the baby and the weight. But hopefully he will grace us with his presence this week. I will keep you posted...

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Almost There...starting ANOTHER week...pregnant!

Well we went to the doctor again today and he said that I am dilated 1cm and that I am 70% effaced. Which is good news because I have progressed since last week. But I was hoping to be more progressed than that. But Dr. Ryan said he was very happy with my progress. He told me not to pack bags yet, but we could be expecting a baby within a week or so. Yay!!! But he also said that he has been wrong in the past and women have proven him wrong when he tells them that and they go into labor before he expected them too. I am just so sick and tired of being pregnant and I am ready to meet Isaac! So now it is just a waiting game to see just how stubborn my son is. Maybe he won't take after his daddy in that aspect. So I will write again after my next appointment which is next Tuesday at 2:30pm if I make it til then...cross your fingers!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

37 weeks and counting!!

Well we went to the doctor today...

And Dr. Ryan was very happy with how I have progressed over the past week. He checked me today and said that my cervix is definitely opened and that he could feel Isaac's head...yay!! B/c at my last appointment I had asked him if the baby had dropped or if he could tell what position the baby is in. And he couldn't tell last week b/c my cervix was completely closed. It's just a relief to know that I have made progress and that this journey will come to end pretty soon. I am just so excited to meet my little man who has been kicking at my sides over the past 5 months. I am afraid he will have ADD like his daddy! But other than that not a whole lot going on with me this week.... So I will write again after my appointment next week!

Oh yea I got in trouble for not having any "prego" pics on here so I have put one in below and of course a pic of my adorable nephew...feel free to take a look! Thanks!

My sweet nephew Dylan isn't he so
I took this one this morning before my
doctors appointment. Goofy yes I know
but here is the belly shot!

Saturday, October 11, 2008

I am new at this!

Hello there!
I am new at this, so I am not really sure what you are supposed to write on these things. But my sister is a "MAJOR" blogger. And I was leaving a comment on her blog and had to create an account so I thought, what the heck, I might as well start one too.

So a little bit about me...
My name is Dana and I am married to Jacob, we have been married now for 2 years and we are very happily married. I don't understand people when they say they don't enjoy being married b/c it was the best decision I ever made.

Me and Jacob are expecting our first baby in November. Right now I am 35 weeks pregnant. So just 5 more weeks. But we are having a baby boy and his name is Isaac Mark Hunka. And we are so excited and can't wait to meet our little man.

We live in a cute little house, that is big enough for just me and Jacob. Now that Isaac is on the way we are realizing how much stuff a baby really needs. So it kind of looks like Babies 'r' Us threw up in our house. But it just makes it cozier right...

I will have a lot more to say once Isaac is here, so I guess that is it for now.