Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Day at the Zoo!

I took Isaac to the zoo yesterday! Well actually Leah took both of us! But since she was on Spring Break we thought it would be fun to take both of the boys to the zoo. And it was so much fun. Although Isaac is so little and he could really care less about the animals, he still had a good time. He was such a good boy all day long. He just strolled a long and looked at all of the weird people that were there too...haha! And slept here and there, pretty much he did whatever he wanted. But there were SO MANY people at the zoo it was crazy. I guess thats what we get for going over spring break. But it was still fun anyway. It was so fun to watch Dylan at the zoo, he had a blast! Anyway below are some pics from our little adeventure at the zoo!

As soon as we got to the zoo and got the boys strapped into their strollers. Isaac says...Okay mommy I am ready!

The boys looking at the monkeys! Don't they look so thrilled? This was our first stop...Dylan did not know what to think about those monkeys!

You have to look real close but that is a monkey laying down. It was so funny b/c he crawled down and got his blanket and then crawled back up there and laid down with his blanket.

Lunch time...says Ikey!

The Elephants! Dylan loved the elephants!

Isaac sucking on his fingers after his afternoon bottle! Boy you already ate...little piggy wiggy!

The lion was feeling very shy...

I guess he was getting bored by the zoo and decided to take a little nap!

Dylan taking pictures of the animals!

Leah and Dylan feeding the birds!

Blue parrots...aren't they so pretty?

Leah and Dylan playing in the sandbox.

Looks like the kangaroo is doing some sun bathing!

Dylan with the penguins!

Me and Isaac...he wasn't too crazy about the sun! He likes to be in the shade inside his stroller!

Dylan on the chuck wagon.

Bald eagle...not a very good picture.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I enjoyed your zoo pictures. I can't believe how big Dylan has gotten! I'm glad you all had fun. I'll see you next week.